Homeopathy for Animals: A case of Leishmaniasis in a 10 years old Grifon


                  Lily, a beautiful half-blooded Griffon dog, is 11 years old today.

         May 2019
 She came to me a  Saturday morning. I saw a hairball outside my door.

She had psoriasis and had treated with allopathic remedies.
She has been sterilized and has never given birth.
In 2012 he developed idiopathic colitis.
If  she ate anything other than chicken, duck, rice, he would get diarrhea.
Around 2014, she developed thirst and polyuria and began to get dirty inside the home, and after being examined, the veterinarian did not gave any diagnosis.
This symptom  continued until 2017 where she was diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome.
She has skin eruptions where they have a bad smell.

A one and a half month and ago she had no interest for a walk, she was lethargic.
She was diagnosed with kala-azar (Leishmaniasis).
She has hemolytic anemia (hematocrit 24) and is about to die.

She has also developed thyroiditis.
She has eye ulcers.
She is a very good dog, discreet, quiet, never did any harm.
 She is quiet, she never bothers, she never leaves my side. She is jealous and does not like other animals very much.
She doesn't like a lot of caresses and now with Leishmaniasis she doesn't want much affection.
I love her very much and I am very attached to her.
She eats and drinks water normally.
Before when it was time to go out, she was very alert  and she wanted to go for walks.
Even she was following me, now she waits for me.
Her skin eruptions smells strong, especially  while I bathe her.
 Her skin it's like peeling because she  licks it and  make crusts.
She also has offensive gasses.

June 2019
The girl is doing very well.
She was sleeping upright has been greatly diminished.
Her view and mood have improved a lot.
Skin goes much better. She licks them less on her own.
Now she is jumping small obstacles, while before she wanted me to hug her

She was tired very easily.
She doesn’t eat so much.
Now she comes and asks for more caresses. She wasn't like this.
On the 4th day of the treatment, the shortness of breath has stopped immediately .
Especially at night I listened to her and I was very frightful . I thought the dog would die or burst.
This symptom stopped with Homeopathy.
She doesn’t snore as much as she did
She sleeps normally like a dog now.
She was never hyperactive and when I threw her any wood she was bored.
This has improved a lot. Before Lily sat and her eyes glazed over.
Every morning
she got up  like she was a “ granny” and she wanted a few seconds to move.
Now she gets up immediately and starts moving.
She is active.
She grunts while she didn't before.
He hunts cats that he didn't do before.
Her hair has also improved. In some
spots, new hair has begun to appear.
Everyone noticed it, not just me.
Before, she had a heavy "chicken" smelled, although I often bathed her.
bothered me a lot.

July 2019

She has good mood(kefi) , she eats with good appetite.
As soon as I get dressed she wants to come along.
Her hair is good.
Her skin has improved a lot.
It can not be compared with when her skin has flakes. Her skin no flakes anymore.
Before she has awful smell  and her mouth now smells normal.
The shortness of breath had been cut stopped immediately .
She doesn't snore anymore. She sleeps normally.
It no longer has gas, while before it was smelly.
The other day we had a long walk and it followed me normally.
Lily made an immense progress.

A review from the owner in August 2019
"Lily a 10years old Griffon ,suffering from Calazar, irritable bowel syndrome and Cushing syndrome. She suffered a lot from eczema, low hematocrits, dyspnea, bad odors, debility, drowsiness, difficulty in motion and she got tired from the slightest move.
Calazar has attacked her blood and she has hemolytic anemia. Her body was too overwhelmed due to Cushing syndrome and she hasn't any respond in treatment . I had to prepare my self because in a while i would lose her. It is too difficult for me to lose her.
I reached Margarita Nomikou and we start her treatment before 3 months.Results were spectacular. In the first 4 days dyspnea disappeared , offensive odor stopped. She is active and follows me everywhere. Debility and difficulty in motion disappeared. Eczema and skin problems has improved a lot. Hematocrits in a period of 2 months has improved from 24 points to 39 points.Her general condition is constantly improving. 
Thank you Margarita Nomikou that you gave more time with my Lily!"

1st of May 2020
“Lily and I thank you for the time you give us with your miraculous remedies”